Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Watchdogs Push for RFID Laws

CHICAGO -- RFID is too powerful a technology and Wal-Mart and its suppliers are too cozy with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for the companies to be trusted with the data gathered from radio tags on consumer goods, say a civil rights lawyer and a privacy law expert.

But the companies, led by Procter & Gamble, are opposing RFID legislation, and want consumers to allow them to keep RFID tags active after checkout, and to match shoppers' personal information with particular items.

The civil rights lawyer, Barry Steinhardt, director of the Technology and Liberty Program at the American Civil Liberties Union, spoke at the RFID Journal Live conference in Chicago last week. He said companies could use RFID tags to profile their own customers and share their information with the government -- violating the companies' own privacy policies.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, meanwhile, is working with companies like Wal-Mart and Procter & Gamble to develop RFID (which stands for radio-frequency identification) to monitor America's consumer supply chains.

Homeland Security may find the combination of live tags and customer profiles hard to resist when investigating suspected terrorists, or as a means to monitor entire groups of people, said the privacy expert.

"The surveillance potential for RFID is huge," said Scott Blackmer, a lawyer and board member of the International Security, Trust and Privacy Alliance.

ISTPA has developed a privacy framework that organizations can use to comply with emerging privacy laws and policies.

P&G and other companies last week suggested they want to keep RFID tags active after checkout, rather than disabling them with so-called "kill machines." The companies also want to match the unique codes emitted by RFID tags to shoppers' personal information.

RFID will make it easy for companies and government investigators to establish the whereabouts of citizens, by reading the active tags on their clothing and other items in private and public places.

Investigators in divorce cases and criminal investigations already regularly subpoena E-Z Pass automatic toll records, which come from RFID readers, to figure out where an individual's car was at a particular time.

P&G said retailers selling its goods can be trusted to guard consumers' privacy without laws, even if they decide to match their personal information with the serial numbers from the RFID tags.

"If someone selling our products violates our (RFID) privacy policies, we will stop doing business with them," said Sandra Hughes, P&G's global privacy executive.

P&G opposes laws restricting the use of RFID tags in the consumer supply chain and in retail stores, said Hughes.

But without laws preventing businesses from abusing RFID data, U.S. businesses selling RFID-tagged goods may be shut out of overseas markets, where privacy laws are more stringent.

"We have a cowboy mentality about privacy in this country," said the ACLU's Steinhardt. "But we will eventually suffer for it, because we are not complying with global norms."

Companies belonging to EPCglobal, the organization that will keep track of the serial numbers emitted by RFID tags, are counting on Americans to let them read RFID tags, even after purchase.

The companies argue that consumers with active RFID tags on their products can return those goods without a receipt. P&G's Hughes also said that active tags and shoppers' personal information could speed recalls of contaminated and defective products.

Another EPCglobal company is developing smart consumer appliances that read active RFID tags.

"Privacy is cheap," said Peter Glaser, senior manager of client workshops at Accenture Technology Labs, which is developing a smart medicine cabinet and a smart closet, which use RFID readers to encourage people to take their medicine and help them coordinate their wardrobes. "Companies just need to tell consumers what's in it for them."

Read More http://www.wired.com/politics/security/news/2004/04/62922#ixzz0kyQI6PMp

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